Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Hair Texture: Myth or Mystery?

Recently in Hair Replacement World, their has been a bit of a fuss made about the idea of hair texture in hair systems and hairpieces, with some companies (including us) giving you the option of selecting your hair shaft thickness when you order.

What's the reality of how accurate this process is?

When you order a hair system, it needs to be made with a collection of hair. That hair often comes from hundreds of different heads and is then sorted accordingly. Sure, bunches of it are from the same head, but in most manufacturers it is all stored together as 'bulk hair'. So, although you may well be getting most of your hair system hair from one person, it is often unlikely that you will get ALL of the hair from the same person, and practically impossible that your next hair system will be made from the same person's head of hair! So bear in mind that hair texture can only ever be a relative concept.

So comes the issue of how they do select the relative shaft thickness for you. In our vast experience with hair suppliers using Easypiece Beta, we were able to sort various hair bunches by determining that some hair, depending upon which region it was from, was generally of a thicker or thinner texture than other hair. However, this is NOT a hard and fast rule, despite what many people may say. For example, European hair is considered thinner in texture from say, Indian or Brazilian hair. On the whole, this is true. But it is also true that plenty of European hair can also be thicker. Why? Because it all comes from different heads! How many people do you know, who are from your own country and background, yet each one has wildly different hair? Plenty.

At our exclusive manufacturer, we have a rule where we sort the hair into separate texture categories based upon how it is received. Once hair is received, it is sorted for many other reasons - color, curl, region, quality. Once this is done, we then issue instruction to sort it according to texture, and this can only be done by the touch of human hand itself. No machine will be able to sort hair according to texture as it is a relative thing, so bunches are hand felt - the shafts are inspected for width and overall strength and the resulting bunches are labelled according to Thin, Medium or Thick. 

It's just another service that we at Easypiece are proud to provide for you.

1 comment:

  1. On the whole, this is true. But it is aswell accurate that affluence of European hair can aswell be thicker. Why? Because it all comes from altered heads.

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