Sunday, 12 April 2009

Hair System Density: How much is too much? (Pt.1)

Den wrote:

Since I was about 28 my hair looked like it was thinning at the front and stayed like that for years so I got use to it if you know what I'm on about . So when they cut a new system in it just looks like loads of hair to me. What was your hair like before you started wearing?

Do you remember the first time you got your piece?....Wow, what a strange experience. I remember driving to my appointment to get my hair system cut in with my normal, balding, hair style. That meant hair at the sides, and a bit of fluff on top max. I had a proper runway up there. Air traffic control sometimes used to ask if planes could make an emergency landing on my dome. Apologies to any I turned down, hope you made it.

When I walked out, I had a full thick head of hair and I looked 15 years younger easily. You'd think that I would have been happy about it. I wasn't. I was completely and utterly FREAKED OUT that it was way too much hair, and way too 'over the top' (see the pun?). I mean, I could see that it looked good, but it just wasn't...well...ME. I remember driving home at well over 100 mph, and actually HIDING my face from other motorists (who were in their own cars, doing their own thing, and couldn't care less) just in case they would catch a glimpse of me as I whizzed past and would suddenly burst out laughing,

"Did you SEE that guy's PIECE?!"
"Yeah! But it wasn't a piece, it was a RUG!"
"No wonder he's driving so fast...poor guy."

When I arrived at my friend's house, I sat in my car for at least 10 minutes, super freaked about what he would say. I was so fragile at that point, that even a small smirk from him would have wrecked me on the spot.

"Cool. Wanna play Xbox?" he asked.

And that was it.....

I gradually got used to it, and slowly but surely would creep outside and allow the world to see me in my new guise. Amazingly, no one gave a hoot. And then I realised what that meant: Nobody noticed. And that was good thing....

These days, even when I get new hair systems cut in, I still feel that sense of "more hair" than I'm used to. It's only natural that after you've been wearing your old piece for a few months, hair comes out and it gets a bit thinner. Then the new piece looks full again.

So what is the best method for making sure that hair system density is as correct for you as it should be? Read Pt. 2


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  1. i remember when i had my first piece cut in i did think what have i done there is far to much hair so i sat in the car for like 30 mins looking in the mirror at my hair .so i set of home along the m6 an i thought every passing was looking at me and saying is look that guy is wearing a wig so i turned the sun visor round to the drivers window so no one could see me lol. but really no one was looking it was just me . and now well there is no way i would be without the system now .

  2. Wow that brings me back. When I had my first one put on at the HCM I actually cried. I was totally blown away and thought I looked absolutely ridiculous. I was one of teh unfortunates who began losing their hair in high school, about 16 to be exact. By the time I was 23 ( when I first went to HCM ) I was almost completely bald. So to me it was a huge shock as I couldnt remember what I had looked like before.

    Today... Well I love having a full thick head of hair and I couldn't care less about what anybody thinks. I feel great and people think I am still in my twenties when they see me. ( im 38 )

    It's funny how having hair really changed my life for the better.
